Printing from Storage (LlStgsysStoragePrint)


We are using List&Labels for printing our software bills and recently we have implemented a new feature where we are combining two List&Labels Preview Files (.ll) using the <> function and in the end calling the <> function for printing the new combined Preview File. Everything is in order but we are experiencing two issues; first, when we want to print the print dialog has two printer settings, it would be great to have one printer setting for both files combined. Is there a way to make List&Labels realize that is one file and not two? The second issue and the most important one is printing the combined file with <> function. How can we use this function without showing the print dialog (without the LS_PRINTFLAG_SHOWDIALOG flag) ? Is there a way to assign to the preview file a printer that was selected before? We need this behavior because our software has two ways of printing the bills: one by one, by hand or all in a row, just select for the first one the printer and then the next ones will keep the same printer settings. For normal List&Labels files we have accomplished this but when we want to use two preview files in one combined file we don’t know how to manage the storage to know the printer saved in the printer config. It would be great when you can provide us a small example.

Thank you.

Dear Alin Mihaita,
thank you for your note.

If you append two files and the files have exactly the same Devmode
(printersettings) structure you will see only one printer setting in the print dialog.
The second printersetting is displayed only with different devmode structures, which makes sense.

To get the defined printername you can use the LlStgsysGetPageOptionString API setting the “nOption” "LS_OPTION_USED_PRTDEVICE " will return you back the printer name.

The preview files contain the printer name, which was set with LlSetPrinterInPrinterfile () before printing/export.

Kind regards

Erdal Alacali
Technical support
combit GmbH